Hi, I’m Alex! I’m a software engineer with a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

My mini Aussiedoodle and I

I love being a constant beginner by trying new things. In the second half of my junior year of college, I saw an ad for our schools rowing team and decided to try out on a whim. Even though my boat took last place at the only big competition I went to, I had a lot of fun and saw a lot of personal improvement in a very short amount of time.

Me resting in my boat 2k Erg time: 7:21

I’m hoping to use this site to share little things that I learn and little projects that I’m working on. I think that posting these things publicly will help me follow through and finish more of my side projects, and will help push me to improve the quality of my output. Nothing I post here is meant to be perfect; it’s all a learning process for me. I hope you find something here that you enjoy!
